Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Andrew Brunette and Jamal Mayers signings

Hello readers.....what is new?  Haven't wrote in a while.....been busy and don't have a computer which is a BUMMER!  Anyways figured I show you a few pics from two signings that I attended.  Add Bruno and Jamal to my list of players that have been added to my lampshade. 

The first one I attended was the Bud Light Hockey Night is Chicago sponsored by 670am The Score in which Andrew Brunette was a guest with host Jay Zawaski.  It was located at the Neutral Zone in Westmont, IL.  Here's a few pics from this event. 

Andrew Brunette signature

Brunette answering a question from a fan

The next one that attended was a Cooking with Meijers with Jamal Mayers in which he made a pasta dish with Meijer Healthy Living Advisor Maribel Alchin.  It was located in Orland Park.  If you look further down you will see two videos that I took from my phone.  Haven't been able to figure out how to zoom in and was my first time recording....the sound is not that good but oh well.

Hello Jamal

Mayers signature

Till next time.....my adventures with the Hawks!