Monday, October 18, 2010

The 1st two wks of the Chicago Blackhawks

Well, looks like the Hawks have had a slow start.  Eventhough they are 3-2-1...they have been struggling everywhere from D to goaltending to putting the puck in the net.  It seems like they are starting to get into the flow of putting a W on the board although they have played 6 games in 10 nights and will continue the crazy schedule this week too by playing 4 games.  They are 3rd in their division and 5th in the Western Conference.  Here are the game summaries for each game.

Hawks vs. Avalanche (10/7/10)
Avs win 4-3 in OT
Patrick Sharp and Marian Hossa both got a goal and assist each.  Marty Turco makes 37 saves with 41 shots on goal. The Avalanche honored their 1996 Cup-winning team in a pregame ceremony which Versus didn't show and Paul Stastny got the GWG in OT.

Hawks vs. Red Wings (10/9/10)
Wings win 3-2
The Hawks had a pregame banner-raising ceremony which was AWESOME!!  They had 5 players from the 61' team pass the banner to the returning players from last season, skate the banner the length of the ice, before it was slowly hoisted to the United Center's rafters. Bickell and Seabrook tallied for Chicago.  The last goal that the Wings scored John Scott fell as Filppula accelerated toward him at the blue line. Flippula cut to the net and accidentally slid a shot under Blackhawks goalie Marty Turco when defenseman Niklas Hjalmarsson
 dived in front of him.

Hawks vs. Sabres (10/11/10)
Hawks win 4-3
This was Corey Crawford 1st start of the season.   Fourteen seconds into the 1st period Sabres score and 2:29 later they score another goal making it 2-0 Sabres within 3 minutes of the game.  Niklas Hjalmarsson got a 5-minute major for boarding and a game misconduct for his hit on Jason Pominville.  Hjalmarsson ended up getting a two game suspension because Pominville sustained a concussion and a gash above his eye that required 7-8 stitches on the hit to the boards. 

Hawks vs. Predators (10/13/10)
Preds win 3-2
Patrick Kane (PPG) and Jonathan Toews (1st of the season) tally for the Hawks.  Nick Boynton was given a delay of game 2:13 left into the game that went against the Hawks.  Joel Ward scored a power play goal 26.7 sec left into the game to win the game. 

Hawks vs. Blue Jackets (10/15/10)
Hawks win 5-2
Best game so far this season.  Everything seemed to click.  Patrick Sharp got two goals this game (one being a shortie) and almost gets a hat trick with his breakaway but didn't cash in on it.  Stalberg gets his first goal this season. 

Hawks vs. Sabres (10/16/10)
Hawks win 4-3
Patrick Sharp ends up scoring 2 goals again this game too!!  This is Sharpie's 4th goal for the season with four goals in two nights.  Patrick Kane ended up getting 2 assists.  Dave Bolland scores his 1st goal of the season on a 4 on 4.  Marty Turco makes 37 saves with 40 shots on goal.  Hawks were down 3-2 at the end of the 2nd period to win it 4-2.

Top leaders in each category
Points-Hossa 9 (#1 in league)
Goals- Hossa and Sharp 5 each (#1 and #2 in the league)
Assists- Kopecky 6 (#5 in the league)
+/- +5 Kopecky and Hossa  - Kane -5
PPG- Sharp and Kane 2 each
Short-handed- Sharp 1
Hits- Brouwer 17
Blocked Shots-Keith 17 (#2 in the league)
PIM-Hjalmarsson 15
TOI- Keith 29:58 (#1 in the league)

Who's HOT
Hossa-6 game point streak
Sharp- 4 goals in two games

Who's NOT
Hendry-been healthy scratches
Scott-that wipe out from the Wings game

Report Card

Interesting facts
-Coach Quenneville coached his 1,000 game on 10/7/10
-Hossa is on a hot streak with 9 points with 6-game point streak and is 2nd star of the wk
-Sharp set a franchise record (10/15/10) with 13 SOG surpassing Doug Wilson and Grant Mulvey both with 12 SOG
-Hjalmarsson has already 15 PIM...had 20 PIM for the whole entire 09-10 season
-Leddy has been sent down to Rockford (wasn't surprised he was going to end up there----cap and TOI)
-The Hawks so far have averaged 33.7 shots against per game.....last season averaged 25.1.
-Power play is 6 goals out of 22 chances (27.3% 4th in league)
-Penalty Kill has only allowed 3 goals out of 25 chances (88% 10th in league)

The Hawks are doing okay.  They need improvements in every category.  The defense has struggled a lot.  Out of the 6 games they have been out shot 4 games.  2 games they have allowed 40 and 41 shots per game which is crazy cause I couldn't even tell you the last time when that happen last season.  Marty Turco has been shaky at the beginning but I think he's starting to get into the flow into things.  Certain players haven't been noticeable on F.   The one player that has impressed me so far has been Boynton.  He was given one of the stars-of-the game (10/11/10).  He was asked when was the last time that happen and he said not since the lockout!!!  Brian Campbell is expected to come back in two weeks....hopefully by then the Hawks will start to get the momentum back, play a full 60 minutes and start putting more W's on the boards.  Let's go HAWKS!!! 

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