Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Long off-season

Not much has happened since the last time I wrote a blog for the Blackhawks.

Carcillo and Brunette had a press conference.  Here are the videos! 

The TV national schedule came out with the Blackhawks having 12 exclusive appearance.

Jordan Hendry was given a training camp tryout for the Minnesota Wild.  Wish him the best of luck! 

Blackhawks sign Brandon Segal to a one-yr contract.

Ryan Johnson was given a training camp tryout with the Detroit Red Wings. 

In other news in the NHL
Unfortunetly there were two more NHL players that passed away this off-season.  Rick Rypien who was only 27 and Wade Belak at 35 who just recently retired.  Here are a few statements from their respected teams. Canucks statement, Jets statement, and Nashville statement.  Here is also what Former teammates and foes remember of Rick Rypien and Former teammates remember Wade Belak.  Just a tradegy of unforturne news.  Just remember that its not because they are enforcers but each person has demons that they have to battle every day.  Don't even suggest of getting rid of the fighting because if you do then looks like more dirty hits will come!  Here's a link to understanding more of the role as enforcer according to Cam Janssen

Former Rangers caption Chris Drury retires from the NHL.

San Jose Logan Couture agrees to 2yr, 5.75 mil extenstion

Former Hawks player Dustin Byfuglien gets arrested for BWI.  I gotta admit....this is HILARIOUS!  I can't believe how much Buff has gained.....if you know me I'm pretty sensitive when it comes to weight but when it's part of your job to be fit.....YIKES!  286.....WOWZERS!  Hopefully he'll go into training camp being ready to play hockey. 

Today the Winnepeg Jets revealed their new jerseys for the upcoming season

Tommorrow Sidney Crosby will be holding a news conference at 12:30 ET....OH JOY....you see me excited about that.....NOT!
I will be attending the Blackhawks Training Camp on the 17th so if you are there....let me know!  Til next time!

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